Learn more
There’s a lot of online material related to effective altruism. Here is some of it.
Introductory Material
For a general introduction to effective altruism, read this.
TED Talk by Philosopher Peter Singer on The Why and How of Effective Altruism
TED Talk by Oxford Philosopher William MacAskill on The Most Important Problems of Our Time
On caring by Nate Soares is a classic essay that explores the workings of empathy. Warmly recommended for everyone, whether new to EA or not.
In-depth reading
Effectivealtruism.org has a list of resources and a signup form for the EA newsletter. They also maintain a list of excellent articles.
The EA forum is a place for collaborative discussion on how to do the the most good.
Nate Soares also has a (long!) series of posts on replacing guilt with healthier and stronger forms of motivation. Highly worth it.
This talk is a great introduction to thinking about the long-term future.